Dear Mr. Bank Manager,
15 Jun 04
I am writing to request that my overdraft limit be increased forthwith. I am requesting that my limit be increased as high as you will allow, as I will have large volumes of purchases to make over the coming days. weeks, months and hopefully, years. In support of my application I refer you to today’s launch of the iTunes Music Store for Europe.
I hope that you will understand that with such an easy (and cheap) way to shop for music available from within an application I have running 24 hours a day, I will not (nor should I) be able to resist the temptation to buy music on a daily, hourly, or even minute-ly basis.
Naturally, the selection of available music is not yet as impressive as the US version of the service, so I would not need the biggest overdraft you can give me. Perhaps it would be better if the limit was extended on a monthly basis as more and more songs are added to the current 700,000?
I look forward to receiving my extension.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Turnbull